- All exhibitors are required to collect and pay Tennsessee sales tax. Festival sponsors assume no liability for exhibitors' compliance with sales tax requirements.
- No sales will be permitted on festival grounds except by duly authorized exhibitors. No travel-through sales are permitted.
- All advertising placed on the festival grounds is subject to festival approval.
- Each exhibitor will be responsible for garbage and trash disposal on a daily basis and for cleanup.
- Artists and craftsmen must display their own wares. Commercial products to be displayed and sold will be at the discretion of the festival board.
- The only generators allowed in the festival are the small, quiet ones such as a Honda or Predator. Generators over 52 decibels will not be permitted, at the discretion of the festival board.
- All food booths must be Health Department compliant to pass inspection. ALL FOOD VENDORS MUST SUBMIT A CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE WITH THEIR APPLICATION.
- ALL vendors must check-in at the front area of Ellington Hall. Your vendor pass will be given at that time.
- Extension cords must be covered by the vendor to avoid trip hazards.
- Non-compliance with the "General Rules" may result in expulsion from the festival.